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How To Prevent Hair Loss Naturally at Home

How to prevent hair loss naturally at home? If you are looking for the right ways to help you stop hair loss immediately, read this blog post.

How To Prevent Hair Loss Naturally at Home

Hair loss is a common problem that affects many people. There are many ways for preventing hair loss naturally. You can eat foods that are good for hair, take supplements that are good for hair, and use hair products that are good for hair. You can also use natural methods to reduce hair loss.

How to Prevent Hair Loss Naturally?

Hair loss is one of the most common problems that most men and women suffer from and preventing hair loss naturally becomes their dream. 

One in two people suffers from hair loss. Regardless of what is said that 'baldness is attractive', men and women with severe hair loss still prefer stopping and preventing hair loss to decide for themselves which style suits them best. 

Those who already have experience with hair loss medications and treatments can attest to the road strewn with painful expenses and disappointments. All this process is usually accompanied by a feeling of low self-confidence, often associated with feelings of loss of sexual attractiveness and ageing.

Hair loss treatment methods involve spending a lot of energy, both in terms of emotional and in terms of time and money invested in it.

Learn more about this by reading this article on hair loss treatment.

What are the Main Causes of Hair Loss and Baldness?

Hair loss is a phenomenon that affects both men and women. Approximately 80% of men go bald in a given generation, 25% of women under the age of 40 go bald and 50% of women over the age of 40 lose their hair significantly. The hair goes through the following stages:

  • Each hair follicle has a life cycle that extends between three and six years, at the end of which the hair falls out and a new hair grows in its place.
  • All his hair grows from inside the follicle located in the dermis (the inner layer of the skin).
  • Inside the follicle, a protein called keratin is produced from which hair is produced, and a pigment called melanin gives hair its colour.
  • The quality of the hair is directly related to the amount of creatine that the hair follicle produces.

What do the experts say about the hair stages?

Regarding hair loss, this is what the experts say: 

  • In a normal case, a person loses between 50 to 100 hairs every day, and the growth rate is 1 centimetre per month. With age, hair naturally sheds but grows less.
  • In some cases, hair loss occurs due to an imbalance, such as psychological stress, recovery from illness or surgery, medication, and severe weather changes.
  • Most experts believe that the main cause of most cases of hair loss is the genetic material inherited from our people in combination with sensitivity to hormones.
  • There are areas in our head where the follicles are sensitive to DHT, a byproduct of testosterone, which affects the follicles causing them to shrink, making the hair thinner and may fall out. 
  • Eventually, the hair follicle may completely stop producing hair.
  • For women, there are many reasons for the phenomenon of hair loss. The first is genetic hormonal, as in men, although hair loss in women tends to be more distributed and usually does not lead to complete loss of scalp hair.

What Are the Best Methods of Hair Loss Treatment?

The types of hair loss treatment methods are many and varied, such as: 

  1. Hair loss alternative treatment.
  2. Makeup.
  3. Tablets with a prescription.
  4. Laser combs.
  5. Hair Transplant.

Treating Hair Loss by Changing the Routine

In addition to treatments, if your hair begins to lose its density, you should adopt a hair care routine that maintains it.  Here are some tips to prevent baldness - this is not the end:

  • Hair loss prevention shampoo and masks: For those with a relatively oily scalp, it is highly recommended to use a drying shampoo for the scalp skin, as this also stops hair loss. Do not use a mask or emollient and it is recommended to wash the hair every day.
  • Tight hair ties: If you wear something that is too close to the scalp, this can lead to hair loss, this phenomenon is called TRACTION ALOPECIA. If the pressure is stopped before the scars form on the scalp, the hair will grow back to its normal position, but if scars do form, this can lead to irreversible hair loss.
  • Stress is your number one enemy!: It is known that stress, nervousness, and anxiety can sometimes lead to an increase in the phenomenon of hair loss and even baldness in certain places of the head. This phenomenon is known and for its treatment it is recommended to take zinc pills that can be bought in pharmacies without a prescription, to strengthen the hair roots and prevent hair loss.
  • Short hair may be a solution: For those who suffer from hair loss as a result of hormonal changes, it is recommended to shorten the hair so as not to put a burden on the roots and weaken them.
  • A good diet: Poor nutrition can affect hair. Hair is made of protein that the body produces when a person is healthy and eats in a balanced manner. A diet in which the daily calorie consumption is too low can lead to hair loss because it does not provide enough energy and substances needed for hair to form. Sometimes hair loss occurs even due to iron deficiency, but it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking nutritional supplements. But nutritional supplements can sometimes lead to the opposite process. 
  • A rising star to combat baldness and treat hair loss: A recent study in Germany found a new star in the fight against baldness, coffee! 

As a dermatologist recounts one of the strange phenomena he encountered: "It is known that progesterone and male hormones may reduce the size of the follicles, so the follicles mistake certain vitamins as hormones. This can happen with large amounts of vitamin E and sometimes with vitamins of group B. So vitamins manufactured in a particular company may cause hair loss to worsen."

The study conducted by Dr Tobias Fischer from the University of Jena in Germany showed that caffeine helps to slow down baldness in men by accelerating the growth of hair follicles. Before boiling the water, it is preferable to know that researchers mention that the number of coffee cups required to achieve this goal is 60 per day, so if sleep is important to you, it is recommended to abandon this idea. 

DHT Treatments

In addition to hair transplantation, which has its advantages and disadvantages, two types of treatment can be distinguished: there are treatments that focus on lowering the level of DHT, and there are treatments that accelerate hair growth.

In most cases, the doctor will recommend combination therapy. The following may be used:

  • Medicines such as minoxidil solution, and nutritional supplements (iron, folic acid, vitamins, and amino acids "Mesoterapia" (very small injections of vitamins and medicines to the scalp). 
  • Hormonal derivatives (for women). Or medicines such as Albinasteride pills (Propecia). As well as hair transplantation in cases of baldness.

In each case, a dermatologist should be consulted regarding the appropriate solution, as experts advise.


The bitter truth is that baldness is coming. The main difficulty in fighting the fight against baldness lies in the complete absence of optimism. You may win a year, two, or five years eventually, baldness will win. The brave among longtime balding people gave up and instead of spending thousands of dollars on these products they invested a few hundred and bought themselves a razor.

By reading this article and following the ways mentioned above, you will know how to prevent hair loss naturally at home.

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