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Skin Care Secrets That Everybody Should Know

In this article, we will offer you the skin care secrets that everybody should know. 

Skin Care Secrets That Everybody Should Know

We all dream of glowing, flawless skin, but with new products constantly popping up and endless skincare tips. It is not always easy to figure out which skincare secrets of celebrities will work best for you.  

Your skin is affected by many factors genetics; aging, hormones, and diabetes are internal factors that affect the skin. You cannot influence some of these factors. External influences such as exposure to unprotected sunlight, frequent washing, or very hot water can damage the skin. Also, an unhealthy diet, stress, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, dehydration, smoking, and certain medications can affect the skin's ability to act as an effective protective barrier.

15 Skincare Secrets For Glowing Skin NOBODY Shares!

To take care of your skin and maintain its beauty glowing, you should follow these 17 skincare secrets from around the world:

Drink more water: 

Water is the number one secret to your healthy skin! This step combats dry skin and signs of aging.  Drink at least two liters of water a day to stimulate blood circulation, improve cell performance, and rid them of toxins that purify your skin and make it refreshed.  We recommend choosing a glass bottle, as it will impress you with its new look. If you find it difficult to drink water, we advise you to add beneficial ingredients to it such as ginger, cucumber and lemon or why not try the 30-day water challenge to motivate you!

Eat a healthy diet: 

There is a multi-billion dollar industry devoted to products that keep your skin looking its best. And that claim to fight the signs of aging, but moisturizers only penetrate the skin, and aging progresses on a deeper level. Your diet can improve the health of your skin from the inside out, so clear skin begins with a healthy diet.

Here are some of the foods research has found to be healthy for the skin:

  • Mango contains compounds with antioxidant properties. These compounds help protect skin components such as collagen.
  • Tomatoes have benefits in preventing skin cancer.
  • Olive oil is associated with a reduced risk of severe photoaging of the face, ie the cumulative damage to the skin that includes wrinkles, dark spots, and discoloration caused by long-term exposure to sunlight.
  • Cocoa flavones found in dark chocolate may improve the structure and function of the skin. Scientists have discovered that cocoa reduces roughness and scales on the skin, increases skin hydration, and helps support the skin's defenses against UV damage.
  • Green tea has many benefits for the skin. Compounds in green tea called polyphenols regenerate dying skin cells, suggesting that they may be beneficial in wound healing or some skin conditions
  • Kale is one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, as it helps fight skin damage caused by light, especially from UV rays.


Have you ever noticed that before an important event, a pimple appears on your face? Surely, you have been exposed to this situation and you do not know the real reason.

Scientists said that there are some links between stress levels and skin problems.  In a study of college students, those who experienced high levels of stress were more likely to have skin problems such as:

  1. Itchy skin
  2. Hair loss
  3. Scaly, greasy, or waxy patches on the scalp
  4. Annoying sweating
  5. scaly skin
  6. Skin rash

So reducing your stress levels can lead to clearer skin. If you think stress is affecting your skin, try stress-reduction techniques like yoga or meditation.

Maintaining Moisture: 

Moisturizers can keep the top layer of your skin cells hydrated. Besides, they can keep it moisturized because they often contain substances to attract moisture, blocking agents to retain moisture in the skin. And emollients to smooth the spaces between skin cells.

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends the following methods to maintain moisture and prevent dry, red, itchy skin:

  • Moisturize your skin as soon as you get out of the shower to lock in moisture.
  • Take a bath for 5-10 minutes a day, but be aware that excessive washing can strip the oily layer of skin and dry it out.
  • Use warm water instead of hot water.
  • Minimize the use of harsh soaps, and use a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser.
  • Avoid abrasive scrub brushes, sponges, and washcloths, which can damage the surface of the skin.
  • Gently dry the skin with a towel.
  • Moisturize skin immediately after washing. To lock in moisture, ointments, lotions, and creams should be applied within minutes of drying.
  • Use ointments or creams instead of lotions to reduce irritation.
  • Never scratch the skin. Instead, use cold compresses and emollients to control the itch
  • Wear unobtrusive clothing, such as made of wool or other coarse materials, and wear soft fabrics such as silk or cotton.
  • Avoid getting too close to stoves and other sources of heat that can dry out the skin.
  • Run a humidifier in the winter to replenish moisture in the top layer of the skin.

Quit Smoking: 

Smoking narrows the blood vessels in the outer layer of the skin; reducing blood flow and depleting the skin of the nutrients and oxygen it needs to stay healthy. Quitting smoking can improve the health of your skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles associated with smoking.

Collagen and elastin give the skin its strength and elasticity. Smoking may reduce the natural elasticity of the skin by causing collagen breakdown and decreasing collagen production.

Use the right cleanser for your skin type: 

The skin cleanser is one of your most important tools in maintaining the beauty of your skin. It helps you get rid of impurities and dust stuck inside the pores that cause pimples, and grains that result in an increase in skin-related problems.

For oily or acne-prone skin, products containing salicylic gel or benzoyl peroxide lotion work great. For dry, mature skin, you can use a moisturizing either glycolic or milky cleanser. For skin with brown spots or melasma, use a lightning lotion. Skin-like alpha hydroxyl acid cleanser.

Don't use too many skincare products: 

Applying too many skincare products at once is harsh on the skin, which leads to more cracks and clogged pores.


The best times to moisturize are right after you get out of the shower and before you go to bed. Avoid lotions with heavy perfumes and make sure you find a moisturizer that's gentle enough to use daily without irritation.

Avoid touching the face: 

Touching the skin repeatedly throughout the day; leads to the spread of bacteria and the emergence of pimples. In addition to the possibility of the appearance of scars and wrinkles, so avoid this matter, especially when you are outside the house.

Moisturizing the skin from within: 

Unfortunately, moisturizing the skin from the outside is not enough to get a fresh and glowing complexion. 

It is also necessary to maintain internal hydration. Therefore, doctors recommend drinking plenty of water. Your daily drink of water should not be less than 8 glasses, because lack of water means less radiance and more sagging.

Avoid direct exposure to heat: 

Do not just be wary of the sun - getting too close to heaters and hot water can wreak havoc on your skin, as it causes inflammation and collagen breakdown, so avoid that altogether.

Peeling skin: 

The skin loses 50 million skin cells every day, and to combat this you must “choose a pH-neutral product so that it does not dry out while exfoliating,” and don’t just stop at your face, your body’s skin needs exfoliation too.


A balanced diet is important, but there is more than one way to give your skin the vitamins it needs. 

There are also topical antioxidants, such as serums and creams that contain skin-nourishing ingredients (such as a vitamin C serum).

Clean your makeup brushes regularly: 

To fight infection and clogged pores, cosmetic experts and doctors recommend washing makeup brushes at least twice a month, to keep the skin from transferring bacteria and germs from one place to another.

Here is how:

  • Put a drop of mild shampoo in the palm of your hand, then wet the bristles of the brush with lukewarm water.
  • Massage the bristles in the palm of your hand to distribute the shampoo on the brush.
  • Avoid getting the metal part of the brush or the base of the brush bristles wet because the glue may soften and the bristles may fall out.
  • Rinse off the shampoo and wring out the water with a towel.
  • Lay the brush on its side with the bristles hanging from the edge of the table to dry.

Make-up removal: 

Effectively removing makeup is the key to clearer and healthier skin. When removing make-up, the skin is clean and ready to absorb the following products such as moisturizer and serum.

Always remember that the skin desperately wants to get rid of substances that clog pores and increase pollution.

Sun cream: 

Daily exposure to UV rays contributes to the visible signs of aging, so choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen, with an SPF of 30 or more, and do not forget to reapply it every two hours.

Sleep well: 

Tips for skin beauty are not only related to using the appropriate cleanser and moisturizer for your skin, but to your sleeping position, and the number of hours of sleep that you get. It is necessary to sleep for up to 8 hours. 

It is recommended to use silk or satin pillows while sleeping, to prevent wrinkles and the spread of wrinkles and fine lines.

Skin Problems in Spring and How to Treat Them

Despite the wonderful spring weather, sunny weather, clear skies, and blooming flowers that we receive now with the advent of spring, there are some skin problems. These skin problems may trouble girls during this season, such as burning skin, skin sensitivity, itching, and other things that accompany this Climate change in the weather.

Here are the most common skin problems in the spring along with some tips and ways to treat them:

  • Berlogque Dermatitis
  • Acne
  • Insect Bites
  • Skin Roughness
  • Skin Rash

Berloque Dermatitis: One of the things we love most about spring is the sunshine after months of sitting in the cold weather, but the sun is one of the biggest causes of skin problems, so we have to be very careful when exposed to the sun. 

One such problem is the skin irritation known as 'pyorrhoea dermatitis', which occurs in response to a chemical reaction between UV rays and other compounds. This is usually found in products such as moisturizers, perfumes, and the like, which is a normal occurrence with higher temperatures.

How Berloque Dermatitis can be treated?

Treatment: From the beginning, we must keep this information in mind. 

  • Avoid putting compounds that contain strong perfumes directly on the skin, especially if we are going to expose that area of ​​the body to the sun directly. 
  • It is possible to change these products and replace them with ones that are more natural.

Acne: The hot sun can also cause acne and pimples to appear significantly. This happens because more high temperature means more sweating. So, this makes sweat takes chances of penetration into the skin in an amazing way, which makes the body vulnerable to pimples and pimples. 

Sweat is nothing but bacteria produced by the body. That is why you will notice that these grains do not appear on the face only, but in different parts of the body because you simply do not sweat through your face.

Treatment and prevention of Acne: 

It is preferable to carry wet wipes sterilized with natural anti-allergic materials, to wipe your face frequently as a precaution. In addition, switch your current wash to one that contains anti-acne ingredients. 

And switch liquid foundation to powder, as the liquid helps absorb the skin strongermperspiration, unlike powder that absorbs oils from the skin.

Insect Bites: We are all well aware that spring and summer are the seasons of insects such as mosquitoes, mosquitoes, and others, which leave an undesirable effect after being bitten by an insect. This effect is accompanied by irritation and sensitivity of the skin, in addition to an annoying feeling of itching.

Insect Bites Treatment: It's really hard to stop yourself from scratching but try as hard as you can to avoid leaving marks on your skin.  Itching can be relieved with a lotion or cream containing a small percentage of cortisone, or cold water will often be enough.

Skin Roughness: When spring comes, it is very common for women and girls to have rougher skin, whether it is on their arms, legs, or face. White and red spots start to appear, which gives the skin an unwanted sensation. Of course, no one wants skin that looks rough and lacks a silky feel. Especially when it is the perfect time of year to start wearing sleeveless tops, dresses, and lighter clothes in general.

Treatment for Rough Skin in the Spring: 

  1. Exfoliate your entire body once a week, but do not overdo it so as not to irritate the skin. 
  2. Then use a moisturizer that contains lactic acid in its composition, to help calm the skin completely and give it effective hydration.

Sun Rash: You can't believe that your skin will transition from months of cold, wind, rain, and snow, to sunny days without any kind of negative results! Some girls may suffer from sensitivity to the sun, and they show very serious symptoms when exposed to it for long periods of time. 

The most famous of which is the occurrence of what is known as sun rash, which appears in the form of severe redness and heat in the face.

Sun Rash Treatment: The best solution is to try to avoid staying in the sun for a long time, and to use a refreshing facial spray frequently. And use it throughout the day to avoid skin irritation.

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